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Marula Gin 500ml

  • Marula Gin 500ml
  • Marula Gin 500ml
  • Marula Gin 500ml
  • Marula Gin 500ml
  • Marula Gin 500ml
  • Marula Gin 500ml
  • Marula Gin 500ml
  • Marula Gin 500ml
  • Marula Gin 500ml

Belgian gin made with the forbidden fruit of the Elephant Tree in Africa, Marula,  alongside juniper, rose, lavender, coriander and orange blossom. The inspiration for using Marula was from stories of fruit falling off the trees, fermenting slightly, being eaten by elephants who would evidently become slightly tipsy.

Abv: 40%

Vol: 500ml

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Marula Gin 500ml

Marula Gin 500ml

£39.99 -25%
£39.99 -25%
Belgian gin made with the forbidden fruit of the Elephant…

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Belgian gin made with the forbidden fruit of the Elephant Tree in Africa, Marula,  alongside juniper, rose, lavender, coriander and orange blossom. The inspiration for using Marula was from stories of fruit falling off the trees, fermenting slightly, being eaten by elephants who would evidently become slightly tipsy.

Abv: 40%

Vol: 500ml


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