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Marula Gin Pomegranate 500ml

  • Marula Gin Pomegranate 500ml
  • Marula Gin Pomegranate 500ml
  • Marula Gin Pomegranate 500ml
  • Marula Gin Pomegranate 500ml
  • Marula Gin Pomegranate 500ml
  • Marula Gin Pomegranate 500ml

Made with a similar botanical selection as the original Marula Gin (which showcases the fruit of the Elephant Tree in Africa), with the notable addition of pomegranate! This extra botanical brings another burst of fresh fruit sweetness to the flavour profile - always much appreciated!

ABV: 40%

Vol: 500ml

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Marula Gin Pomegranate 500ml

Marula Gin Pomegranate 500ml

£39.99 -10%
£39.99 -10%
Made with a similar botanical selection as the original Marula…

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Made with a similar botanical selection as the original Marula Gin (which showcases the fruit of the Elephant Tree in Africa), with the notable addition of pomegranate! This extra botanical brings another burst of fresh fruit sweetness to the flavour profile - always much appreciated!

ABV: 40%

Vol: 500ml


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